Sunday, January 22, 2006

Frisked and Frisky Friday, or Whoever Has My Balls, Please Give Them Back

Friday night was another one of those evenings that make you go Hmmm? It started out as a regular night with the regular group of irregulars all present and accounted forbut as the evening progressed.... One of our customers, Jim, is a wonderful pianist and brought a keyboard to entertain us. After he was finished tickling the ivories for the evening, a young lady who came with another gentleman found Jim and his talented fingers somewhat fascinating. She snuggled up to him at the bar and not too much later, they moved to the couch. Before long, they were engrossed in some rather enjoyable looking face sucking.
In the other part of the bar, afterall, this isn't just a one ring circus, one of my off duty bartenders was present and had obtained a customers American Express Black Card. Another customer decided he needed to see the somewhat rare form of plastic money. My bartender decided to play a game of hide and seek and rather quickly buried the magical card down in her bra. The young man, displaying some admirable slight of hand rather quickly produced the card from within my bartenders blouse. Then the chase was on, he fled out the back door with the young lady in hot pursuit. Within a short time they had circled the bar and reappeared through the front door this time. At this point, she was aided in her chase by a friend who was a female security guard. They finally cornered the gentleman and my bartender began to search him in another game of hide and seek. As she was unable to find the missing card, her friend took over the search and did a more more complete job. You might say that her search was performed with exterme prejudice. The card was at last discovered, recovered and returned to its' rightful owner. The young man later confided in me that it felt like one of the girls was playing racket ball with his balls. Forty love, game, set, and, apparently, they matched. As of last night, I am glad to report, most of his limp had disappeared. I have to say, just if you are wondering, all of this was done in fun.
Meanwhile back on the couch, the lip-locking having been concluded, the young couple moved back to the bar. At this point the infatuated lady began leaning across one of the young men that she arrived with to get to the other girl so that she could lay a lip-lock on her as well. With in moments, she was sitting on the other girls lap and they were engaged in a mild case of mutual groping in kissing. This girl was apparently going to get some action from someone that night. Before long, all four of them were onthe couch, the pianist, the two girls and the boy who brought them. Boy Girl, Boy Girl. This foursome continued to do and discuss I don't know what, but after a while, they broke it up. The two girls leaving with their original dates and the pianist went to breakfast with my visiting bartender and her ball groping security guard friend. Just another one of those dull Fridays at the bar. As a post script to all of this, I had a new bartender present this Friday who had just come in to get used to the bar and to soak up the atmosphere. Well I guess she got soaked, she said she was looking forward to working here, it wouldn't be dull.