Friday, September 16, 2005

Welcome to my world

Let me introduce you to my world. My name, as given to me several years ago by my wife is The Visual Pimp. This was derived from years of interesting activity at bars and restuarants that I have owned. While I don't do anything that could be described as illegal. Sex is not what I sell but rather the ability to investigate bits and pieces of themselves that are normally well hidden in the deep recesses of the personalities. I have watched a great number of people explore their boundaries and learn about themselves and others. Just guess you could say that I am an enabler. I make people feel comfortable with themselves and what they want to do. This ability gives people a good look at themselves and others around them. Sometimes they don't like what they see and then again, sometimes they do. I take no real positions on any of the topics that pop up from time to time and will quite often play the devils advocate just to advance the conversation. I am politically agnostic, I mean that throughout my life I have been pretty equally screwed over by whatever party has been in power. This does not mean that I don't care about politics, it just does not rule my life as it does with some of the old farts that are regulars at my bar. If you want to get to kow people for who they really are, just pour a little liquid brain laxative down their throats and just see what shit can and does come out of them. You will see the good, the bad, and the totally fucking unbelievable. I have seen the exhibitionists, the sexually ambidexterous (Bi), the toe suckers, bar-whore fuckers, and everything in between. The religious zealots who try to convert you why intoxicated to the devoted husbands and wives who will fuck anything that walks whenever they are away from their spouses. Come on in and read about my world, it my be strange, but it is almost never dull. I will appreciate your comments.

Here's the Visual Pimp. Posted by Picasa