Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Decent Debauchery

The other night the Holiday spirits were following and so was the good cheer. A young professional couple met at the bar for a few cocktails after a hard days work. They seemed to have a preference for single malt scotches and each other. After spending a decent amount of time drinking away the troubles of the day, they left the bar, or so we thought. Two gentleman were standing outside the bar sucking up some badly needed nicotine when one of them very politely opened the door and asked me to step outside as he needed to speak to me. I obliged his wishes and stepped outside. At this point he again very politely asked me to look over his shoulder and into the parking lot.
No, it wasn't Santa and his reindeer that I spied but rather the young couple, leaning up against the side of his car and he was in the process of sharing some Christmas cheer with his young female companion. She accomodated him by lifting her skirt while he had undone his pants. There they were, in the middle of the parking lot, right under the the security light and he was definitely banging the hell out of her. He thrusted away, she recoiled rythmically into the side of his car. When he was finished giving her her Christmas goose, they repaired their clothing to its pre-carnal positions and retired into his car for a few moments. After this, they decided to return to the bar for a last nightcap before heading on their way. The general comment of those patrons at the bar was why didn't they have the good taste to use the restroom like everyone else.

Annual Christmas Party 2005

This past Friday was another wonderful Christmas Party. The normal cast of regular irregulars were all present and accounted for. The grinch made an apppearance along with one of his candy canes. Father Christmas and Marilyn Monroe also stopped by. We had a Who-Ho from Whoville show up to spread some christmas cheer and 'Angel' form RENT attired in his/her Christmas garb. Afterall, as the songs says, "Now we don our Gay apparrel". To all that made the party such a wonderful success, I want to say thank-you. For those of you that did not attend, you screwed up and missed one hell of a party. By the end of the evening, we had alla wonderful time with the usual amount of Christmas Goosing, Bar Licking and other festivities. Feel free to peruse the pictures below to get a sense of the evening. I will allow you to right your own captions, sometimes that is more fun. I will see The Grinch getting his Christmas goose, thirsty girls at the bar, a thirtsy, beer swilling Ghost of Christmas Past and the fabled Beer Schlong in action.