"You Ain't Going To Believe This Shit"..... Maybe I should start I new blog with this as the title. Stranger and stranger. Evertime I think I have seen it all, I am proven wrong. Last night was no exception. It started off normally with the regulars being present and a great musician coming in to entertain us for a couple hours. As I said, everything was basically normal until about 10:30 when a friend of mine called and asked if we were still open as we sometimes close early on Sunday nights. She stated she had a group of friends that wanted to come to the bar for a meeting. Now we have had a great number of groups come by the bar to have meetings, but not like this group. They amounted to was the unofficial and officially unrecognized "Atheist and Agnostic Association" from a very conservative religious college in the area. I personally found it rather ironic and funny that they met on Sunday nights. I have to say that they were one of the most interesting groups of people that I have had at the bar. I can't wait for them to return. Cool people. Aside from their obvious lack of religious convictions, I found them to be very much like any other group of college students. You had heterosexual students, openly gay students and bisexuals of both sexes. That sounds strange. I wonder if the bi's date each other? Hmmm. While I am on the subject of demographics at the bar, you might want to check out a blog that I read on a regular basis. It is www.Ledemure.blogspot.com . If you like my blog, I am sure that you will like hers. It is a rather candid look at the life of a young college coed. She is not unlike many of my customers. Please give it a look. Anyway, back to last night. It got so strange that I will have to continue the story after my brain has time to distill all of the evenings events. I have to figure out what I can relate to you and what I can't. More to come soon. Have a good one.