Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Shitty Tipping

It has come to my attention that as of late, more and more people in this town are just fucking cheap. Yes I am talking about tipping your bartenders. Lately there has been a rash of large tabs which are good for the bar and really shitty tips that are hard on the bartenders. These people are not standing behind the bar all night long taking care of you because they have nothing better to do, they are trying to make a living. Now I am lucky, I happen to own a bar that is frequented by a client base that in general makes a good living but don't seem to have the intelligence to tip. A $2.00 tip on a $98.00 tab is insulting. So is a $2 or $3 dollar tip on a fifty or sixty dollar tab. This is not just happening at my bar, I have a large number of bartenders from around the city that meet at my bar when their shifts are over and I hear the same complaint from them as well. A 10% tip should be about the minimum if you are drinking bottled beer all evening but your tip should be in the 15% to 20% range if you are drinking mixed drinks. If you are old enough to drink, you are old enough to tip. If you have a legitimate complaint about your service, then complain or leave and go find a bar where the service is more to your liking. All your shitty tipping will do is insure shitty service the next time you come into the bar. Is that what you really want? I don't think so. If you can blow $50 or $100 on drinks, then you can afford to leave a tip, if you can't, drink less, or drink at home. Another pet peave of mine is when people come in the bar for hours, buy drinks for themselves, their spouse and friends and then after several hours of drinking, are amazed that they have a large tab. Bars don't give volume discounts because the state expects their tax revenue on every ounce of liquor poured. Just ask your bartender periodically what your tab is or better yet, pay as you go, then there are no surprises. One last thing, doubles are just that, double the liquor and double the price. If you happen to be a good tipper, then this column is not addressed to you, if you are not,you know who you are and sinner, heal thyself.


Blogger SheenV said...

I usually tip $1/drink if I'm at the bar and just drinking. If I'm ordering food, then its 20% of the food+drinks, less if the service is bad.

2:55 PM  

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