A Very Bong Vodka Night. BONG,BONG,BONG

Last night we had our Bong Spirits Bong Vodka Premier Party, and it will go down as one of the greatest parties ever held at the bar. There were plenty of bongalishous snacks such as Brownies, Cheetos(TM), Funyons (TM) and mellow yellow lemon jello shots made with of course, Bong Vodka. Try and say that five times fast. Mr. Gary Henry provided the entertainment for the night with his incredible musical talents with 'professor' Vince Bryce joining him with his bass for the last set. Vince just got a teaching job at an area college, congrats to Vince. The bar was just below fire code for the whole of the evening. At least a dozen people asked me throughout the evening if Gary could play at the bar every Friday night? I certainly wish he could but, alas, he no longer lives in our city and he and his wife made the trip here just for the night for this special Bong Vodka party. The spirit and philosophy Bong Spirits certainly filled the bar on this particular Saturday night. This was one of those nights just just should not ever have ended. Two AM came way too soon on this particular night or morning, depending on your point of view. Check out http://www.Bongspirits.com , it is a very good vodka, made in Amsterdam, and the company has a great philosophy and is worth some attention. Till next time, have a great day.
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