Sometimes your past life comes back into your present life. This happen to me one night not terribly long ago in a most amusing way. There was a couple in their mid forties that stumbled across my bar one night and it was love at first drink. They fell in love with the intimacy of the bar and the conversations that took place there. When I first met them, I was puzzled by the woman because of a feeling of deja vu. She seemed all to familiar to me but I was unable to place her. My bar became one of their regular hangouts and we began a friendship over their many visits. One of my past professions was that of being a professional photographer and as such, I have a number of matted and framed images displaced on the walls.
On this particular night, the mystery couple came into the bar, ordered their cocktails and proceeded to have a seat at one of the tables. After some time had passed, I finally had a chance to get by their table and visit for a few minutes. We were engaged in conversation about fish, of all things, because I used to cook a great deal of it at my restaurant and the gentleman, Mr.Martini, used to sell wholesale fish to the restaurant trade. Suddenly his wife, Mrs. Mudslide, wo was bored by the conversation and was occupied with looking at the photos on the walls interrupted the conversation asked if I used to own a photography studio on the west side of town. I replied that I had owned one and instantly the deja vu issue was solved.
I remembered photographing her many years before, the face was familiar but her hair was now long, straight, and blonde. Years ago it was short, brunette, and curly. She instantly blurted out, "Honey, this is the man who shot those great nudes of me!" As she was saying this, he was in the midst of taking a drink and forgot to close his mouth. His martini dribbled down his shirt and he looked like he had been shot with a stun gun. She was obviously quite pleased while he, on the other hand, was mortified. He honestly didn't know where to look. He did quickly glance at the pictures on the walls to make sure that she was not present in the collection. They very quickly paid there bill and left. They have never been back to the bar since. I have run into Mrs. Mudslide at the foodstore a few times and she has stated that her husband cannot bring himself back into the bar because I have seen her in the all together. According to her, this photo session happen several years before they even met for the first time but he was too embarassed by the idea. I asked if he liked the images and she assured me that he does but he can't bring himself to have a conversation with someone that has seen his wife in the nude. I guess they don't hang out with her OB/GYN either.