Happy New Year everyone. Last night turned out to be the most enjoyable New Years Party that we have ever had at the bar. Although it certainly was not the busiest that we have have, it was great. The night started out predictably slow as they usually do on nights such as this, but slowly the patrons began to appear. Everyone was in good spirits and enjoying the evening. As usual, at midnight, there was the usual celebration accompanied by cell phones ringing with people not present, wishing each other a happy new year. Shortly after midnight, a number of the people began leaving the bar as they felt that they had done their duty and seen the new year in. A few others arrived from other parties that they had been attending and this is when the night began to become memorable.

One of the musicians, Mike who plays at the bar stopped by with his wife, followed by another friend, Seth, who happens to be a wonderful cellist and who also plays occassionally at the bar. Seth is also about to finish his masters in music composition and is incredibly gifted. They asked me if I had any objection to them playing a couple of tunes as they both had their instruments with them. "Hell no", I said "go right ahead". In they marched with their instruments and after a few moments of the customary tuning began what was probably some of the most enjoyable music that I have ever had the good fortune to hear. The group at the bar had by now dwindled down

to a total of six people as it was approaching One A.M. The four of us sat in the dimly lit room and began listening to the most unbelievably beautiful sound coming from an acoustic guitar and a cello. I have listened to a great deal of music over the last half century but have never heard anything as rich and wonderful as what these two gentlemen where producing. The lush, rich tones of the cello counterposed and complimented the guitars' melody and it was magic. Seth with his awesome ear for music, just folded his cello into the ebb and flow of Mikes' guitar and vocals. What a glorious jam session was in progress. These two gentleman had never played together before, I am not even sure if they had even met each other before this morning, but this is something that I aim to change. These to will perform together again at my establishment if I have anything to do with it. I was actually glad that we had no more customers arrive at the bar. We sat there, eyes closed, drinking in the sound and it was intoxicating. Although the bartender and I had to this point in the evening, not had anything to drink, we both felt almost buzzed, deliriously happy and calm, sitting there, lost in the music. Shortly before Two, I finally opened a bottle of Volnay from Burgundy and my bartender and I toasted the new year with a glass and listened to the last of the music while sipping a wine that was as rich and beautiful as the music that was filling the air. The clock became our enemy as it approached Two A.M. and we knew that this would have to come to an end. It made me feel as if I was sitting in a jazz club in the 1950's or 60's in Greenwich Village, listening to the the musical greats of that era, early in the pre-dawn hours. Transported to a different place and time. No one was speaking, we just sat, and listened, and wished the night would not have to end.
To all of you that were at the traditional noisy New Years Eve parties, I hope you had a good time. I am sorry that you could not have experienced the musical joy that we shared early this morning but at the same time, I am glad that your noise and revelry was miles away from the six us us on this oh so special New Years morning. As a note, the photos in this story are from other evenings and not this morning.