Temptations In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Part Two

....and sometimes give into one more romantic liason when they shouldn't as well. On the subject of romantic liasons, women seem to be more aggressive, or at least more in control of sexual destiny than the men. Sorry guys, but it is the truth, perhaps because all of the cards are in their laps, so to speak. Men can only find a lover for the evening if they are lucky enough to find a willing woman whereas women can always find love because the sea of love is filled with so many willing men, just waiting to be taken. Speaking from the womans point of view, it is a buyers market.
The problem is that some women and men go on shopping sprees without thought to their futures. It is all about the orgasm of the moment and who they can wrap their legs around tonight. It's my best friends boyfriend or girlfriend, fuck it, I'm horny and they are available. Some people use no common sense. It is all about the here and now, they never give a thought to tomorrow, much less the fututre. Being in a bar some nights is like watching a cage full of horny hamsters. One of my bartenders relayed to me last night that a young lady she knows has had sexual relations with at least three different men this week. That was before Saturday because she had not talked to her since Friday, so by now, the count maybe higher, who knows. All of the interludes her friend had included unprotected sex. Jesus Christ people, I know I have said this before, but use a condom. You are all playing Sexual Russian Roulette. When unprotected, you are effectively having sex with every partner that your current partner has had sex with. Do the math people, the numbers become very large, very quickly.
Do you really want to spend the rest of your life taking a Herpes medication or even worse yet, AZT tablets and the rest of the suite of HIV/AIDES pharmaceuticals that you will be taking in an effort to stay alive. Yes, I am passionate about this subject. You will probably hear me rant about it in the future as well. Sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancies can be virtually 100 percent prevented with the use of a little common sense and the common condom. When you reach the point of not being able to remember the names of everyone that you have slept with, common sense is problably not high on your list of admirable qualities. Be as promiscuous as your crotch desires, just be careful. Go ahead, enjoy yourself, your physical abilities, your passions and your sex. Fuck your brains out, some of you are living proof that an obvious loss of gray matter is possible through this activity, just take the necessary precautions today so that you have a good tomorrow as well.
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