I had an interesting conversation with a couple of customers last night concerning the blog. They wanted to know what the strangest or most unusual thing that I have witnessed over the years. This is a hard thing to answer. Too many choices. After a decade in these businesses I have seen a great deal of what most people would consider unusual. So I turned the tides on them and asked them the same question. Both of these people are senior coeds at a local university. They wasted no time in relaying the number of drug offenses that they had openly witnessed along with smattering of the funniest sexual encounters that they had walked in on or observed. Their favorite sex story was when they walked out of the restaurant where they worked. They were leaving the restaurant at the end of their shift and found this couple that they had just waited on in the back of the gentlemans' pickup with the tail gate down. The couple were trying to engage in a quick poke in the whiskers but the gentleman had had to much to drink. To but it kindly, he was not completely up to the task at hand. His member could not come up to full speed. They reported that they obseved them try position after position to no avail. The mission had been started but did appear as if it was going to come to a successful conclusion. They were either unaware of the two girls or simply just did not care. The girls said that they resorted to even throwing pebbles at the truck without interupting the couple. About this time, they said that a couple other co-workers joined them, watched for a minute or so and then they all left the couple to their mission impossible. It's good to know that people engage in bad judgement and inappropriate behavior at other businesses other than mine.
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