The Devil Made Him Do It... Last night one of my customers had the devil get behind him and push… Hard. Jim Beam arrived at the bar at around five in the afternoon to have a quick one or two before going to a church board meeting. This is not that unusual, we used to have a customer who came in for a few drinks every week before she had to go to church to teach a bible study. Anyway, back to the story, Jim was dressed immaculately wearing an extremely well chosen coat and tie. He really did not want to have to go to the church and listen to all of these self important, holier than thou wind bags carry on about silly church politics and gossip. Then devil got right behind him, right in my bar and pushed. He asked the bartender to turn off the music and asked all of the people at the bar to be very quiet for a moment while he proceeded to call his pastor and announce that he would not be able to attend the board meeting because of severe abdominal cramping and the runs. In other words, he had a major case of the ‘don’t give a shits’. Jim enjoyed the rest of his evening at the bar talking with friends while being the best dressed person at the bar. Life was good. Have an interesting day
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