I'm Spider Man. Last night at the bar was one of those nights that was not filled with the normal conversation ablut life, love and sex but rather a new topic crept, or rather was carried into the bar by their proud pwner. Two spiders in a zip lock bag. After observing them through the bag it was determined that the larger of the two had succumbed to the trama of capture and being carried to the bar so the owner of the spiders decided to roll its' poor departed body out of the bag. Wrong, it was playing possum. As soon as it hit fresh air and the freedom of the bartop it was off and running. It was some form of Wolf Spider I believe. An empty rocks glass aided in the capture of the renegade spider adn it was returned to the bag for safe keeping. As soon as it was captured again, it went back into its' dead possum mode. The other spider was determined to be a juvenile Daddy Long Long Legs. The spiders, named Burt and Ernie then went back home after their master quaffed a glass of Cabernet. Updates on the two will follow as events warrant.
He's kind of cute, is he single? Or, did he bring the spiders? okay, nevermind.
Sorry he is not single and yes he did bring the spiders.
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